A human being is part of the whole – called by us ‘universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature...
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…
By asking the appropriate guiding questions repeatedly and entering into conversations about our collective future in all the communities we participate in, we may be able to find a set of patterns and guidelines that will help us to create a culture capable of learning and transformative innovation. Living the questions together is an effective way of preparing for an unpredictable future...
We are offering a world of more beauty, more joy, more connection, more love, more fulfilment, more exuberance, more leisure, more music, more dancing, and more celebration. The most inspiring glimpses you’ve ever had about what life can be – that is what we are offering.
The evolution of consciousness is both a personal journey that we are all capable of experiencing through our lifetimes, and a journey at the collective level. We are on a journey from the ‘original participation’ of indigenous tribes that perceives everything as alive and meaningful relations, to the ‘separation of self and world’ (nature and culture) that brought us the Enlightenment and the multiple benefits of science and technology based on analytical reasoning; the next step is towards a new kind of “final participation” – as Owen Barfield called it (1988: 133-134) – which expresses a synthesis of both perspectives. We are part and parcel of nature and we have evolved to self-reflective consciousness and free will, which gives us the choice to participate in life’s processes in a destructive or a creatively supportive (regenerative) way..
Watching the way that everyone in the workshop transformed as they explored the genius of nature and realised how powerful biomimicry was for shifting perspectives - both hearts and minds.
Mentoring draws people gently to the edge of their knowledge and experience and guides them into new territory. You have to watch carefully for what will capture their curiosity, engage their natural gifts, and challenge them in ways they can handle in their personal learning journey. Look for their edges: the edge of their comfort zone, the edge of their awareness, the edge of their knowledge, the edge of their experience. Then, you can stretch and pull them to a new edge, and then another, deeper and deeper into a sense of comfort and kinship with the wildness of the natural world.”
Biomimicry is a means to connect with our own history and nuture an appreciation for nature. It's a new way of looking at nature and gleaning some insights into how life works. By doing so it not only helps you understand life from a biological perspective, it also provides for a new way to connect with the natural world. It's this connection that makes Biomimicry much more simply a different way of looking at nature.
For most of human evolution, the separation of nature and humans did not exist culturally. Humans were nature; humans are nature...
[Re] connect is very much about going outside and discovering the deep connections we have with the natural world. In this way, the practise of connecting and reconnecting reveals discoveries about self, community and life that you may never have imagined. Finding this fundamental connection creates an entry into biomimicry for those that might not be immediately captivated by the innovation found in emulate or be passionate about...
We are offering a world of more beauty, more joy, more connection, more love, more fulfilment, more exuberance, more leisure, more music, more dancing, and more celebration. The most inspiring glimpses you’ve ever had about what life can be – that is what we are offering.